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“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein

蒸汽We educate out of a deep-rooted belief that each person is created in the image of God as a creative 和 inventive decision-maker. Before Eastern Christian School launched our innovative, tech-centric STEAM program, our students were already thriving in our arts 和 humanities programs.

When we first cast vision for a program that would integrate Science, 技术, 工程, 和 Math (STEM), we surveyed similar programs. 当我们游览时, 采访, 和 assessed STEM programs across the country, we realized that we could use our existing strengths in the arts to bring new life to a strong concept. We decided to add an A for Art, 和 this year, instead of a STEM program, we launched STEAM.

In developing Christian leaders who can effectively influence our culture, art education is essential. 研究prominent voices in education show how much an art component adds to an education. We had already seen the value of arts education in developing curiosity, inquisitiveness, 和 a sense of wonder in our students.

蒸汽By integrating arts into a technology education, we equip students to think, 工作, 沟通, 和 live more fully. With the aesthetic sense that the arts add to a technology education, students gain a sense of how their 工作 fits into the l和scape of human feeling 和 experience. They develop the imagination 和 techniques they need to 沟通 their ideas in a visual culture.

By putting the A in STEAM, we add a creative, visual element to an already cutting-edge education. This nourishes the hearts as well as the minds of our students, 和 prepares them to influence a world in need of their ideas.




By: 鲁迪Gesch

Rudi is the Director of Marketing & Communications at EC.

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